Twilight's Dream

...the manic musings of a fiber freak

Monday, January 15, 2007

Happy New Year!

Well, it has been forever since I blogged! I got a second job working for Chris Roberts-Antieau back in August and it has been fun, challenging, and overwhelming all at the same time. I do sewing for her and I get to work from home, which fits in well with my wacky sleep schedule.

Another grand announcement, which has kept me preoccupied the last few months, is that I am four and a half months pregnant! We are so excited and I'm so grateful that my morning, afternoon and just about anytime sickness is over. Timmy and I got married in our living room on the Solstice and it was Perfect!

I'm going to put up a funny picture of me on a mechanical bull last Monday night. Let it be known that I didn't actually ride it, although I wanted to so bad. I did get to pose on it though, and I'm sure it was very entertaining watching me get up on that thing. Notice its horns had been knocked out already before I got ahold of it...and dig the red eyes!

I will sincerely try to be better about blogging in the New Year so talk to you all soon!